(特別鳴謝blog友fatgarfield教路,我先可以成功学整pizza咋) Thanks!
少爺仔對手 呢對係大小姐嘅
好厲害呀連pizza 都整埋, 仲有我最中意食嘅pineapple呀 , 難唔難整架? 我可以想像到小朋友個份喜悅!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/23/2008 00:19:00]
我係初哥嚟架咋!仲有好多改善嘅空間架。 pizza唔難整架,你都不妨試試啦! 我係用blog友fatgarfield嘅食譜架,如下: 自製 pizza is very easy! I used this recipe:
3/4 cup warm water (105°F to 115°F) 1 envelope active dry yeast
2 cups (or more) all purpose flour 1 teaspoon sugar 3/4 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons olive oil
Pour 3/4 cup warm water into small bowl; stir in yeast. Let stand until yeast dissolves, about 5 minutes.
Brush large bowl lightly with olive oil. Mix 2
cups flour, sugar, and salt in processor. Add yeast mixture and 3
tablespoons oil; process until dough forms a sticky ball. Transfer to
lightly floured surface. KNEAD dough until smooth, adding more flour by
tablespoonfuls if dough is very sticky, about 1 minute. Transfer to
prepared bowl; turn dough in bowl to coat with oil. Cover bowl with
plastic wrap and let dough rise in warm draft-free area until doubled
in volume, about 1 hour. PUNCH down dough. ROLL out dough.
Once the dough is ready, you put whatever toppings you want and bake
for about 15-20 minutes. Depending on the topping, you might want to
cook the ingredients first. That's it! 我用咗華氏350度預熱焗爐焗咗20分鐘
個面膿膿地我勁鍾意呀)))))) 睇到流哂口水呀
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/23/2008 00:21:00]我都鈡意膿膿哋呀!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/23/2008 05:13:00]Oh Yeah!
真係整得好靚喎, 親子樂真係好開心~~ 我都想整個pizza比阿寶食哦...有時食pizza hut外賣真係麻麻地......
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/23/2008 10:04:00]多謝晒呀!唔難整架,快啲試吓啦!反正有新焗爐吖嘛!
好開心呀......同小朋友一齊整下曲奇, 蛋糕等等...都會好開心o架! 而且你個pizza都係濃佐少少o者...仲係好吸引喎.
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/23/2008 11:40:00]多謝呀!下次再整一定会好啲! 係呀!過程係最開心嘅!