It's fun and easy to make this cheese ball with your kids...
Must try.......
Checkers time..........
My kids go crazy about this revised version.....
木薯粉 90g
糯米粉 300g
牛油溶液 9 tbsp
Grated Parmesan cheese 90g
Finely shredded Cheddar cheese 60g
鹽 1 1/2tsp
Cream 210ml
蛋 3pcs
- 先預熱焗爐 390F,
- 將木薯粉、糯米粉、鹽、Parmesan cheese、shredded Cheddar cheese 拌勻,
- 加入牛油溶液拌勻後,再加入已打散的蛋漿繼續拌勻,
- 將 cream 加入,用手搓至麵團可黏在一起,
- 將麵團搓成小波狀,放入焗爐焗15分鐘。
Thanks for your sharing....will try it later!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/23/2011 08:09:00]This recipe taste even better.....must try!
上次個食譜都未抄低, 就有改良版?...好快手喎...good!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/23/2011 14:09:00]Lol.....This one is the best cheese ball I ever had.
妳呢個麻糬波波質地似唔似「A1」果隻咁軟熟?我 啱 啱整 嗰個朱古力 麻糬波波比較乾身,第二日就變得乾硬,我 諗可能要落番多 啲液體材料 。
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/24/2011 01:28:00]我冇試過A1嘅 cheese ball 喎.... 但我呢個就超煙靱軟熟架.....我放咗兩三日仲好正.... 提意第二日食前先放入 oven 焗兩三分鐘就超正喇!
啊...依個我經常買架...不過係芝麻味 (咸) 好味 D.....
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/24/2011 01:22:00]下次試吓芝麻味都好噃!
Happy Easter
回覆刪除Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. romans 5:7&8
[版主回覆04/24/2011 01:20:00]
Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to make it, what's the English name of 木薯粉 ?
[版主回覆04/24/2011 15:08:00]木薯粉 = tapioca
咁應該用幾多度焗番熱先至唔會再變乾 啲 呢?
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/25/2011 15:19:00]熱就得架喇.....叮十秒都 OK 架!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/29/2011 14:19:00]冇叮叮?
想請問cream 係指whipping cream?? 多謝指教!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/17/2011 08:06:00]yes